Coral is an organic gemstone created by living creatures, unlike other mineral-based gemstones. Red Coral is made up of marine polyps that reside in clean, tropical to subtropical waters at depths of 15 to 160 feet. The lighter the hue, the deeper the coral dwells. Red Coral with a deep, ox-blood hue is the most valuable. Red coral has a Mohs hardness of 3.5 and is a soft, porous substance. It’s primarily calcium carbonate with no discernible cleavage. When it’s harvested, it’s matte, but it’s generally polished into a shining stone. According to Vedic Astrology, Mars is in charge of the Coral (Mangal), which is the God of War, Energy, and Courage. Benefits: 1. Enhances determination power 2. Protects from evil spirits 3. Cures digestive and immune system
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